Owen-Stewart Performance Resources Inc. | 1-800-263-3399 | sales@owenstewart.com

We Will

Grab Hold of Destiny. Push it to a New Level.

This program combines motivational sports footage with a great message on leadership, teamwork and perseverance from the CEO and the team at the successful retail giant, Under Armour.

Runtime: 19 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Support Materials
Key Learning Points:
  • Management: NO LOSER TALK
  • Leadership: LEAN IN
  • Teamwork: WE WILL
  • Culture: PUSH


Powerful Lessons on Leadership, Teamwork, Victory and Growth from Under Armour

No champion reaches victory without first having fallen, countless times.

True champions are those who have failed before but found failure empowering.

They don’t go home—they go back to practice; renewed by their failure, strengthened by their struggle. For it is in the choices we make in defeat, that world champions still see the next level and reach for their destiny.

With more than 20% growth every year for the past eight years, Under Armour has shown that its vision to be “the next great brand” works. Every goal is achieved as team members, management, and leadership move the company forward driven by one overriding philosophy:
Great Product. Great Story. Great Service. Great Team.

WE WILL is a training program and tool to help you motivate and lead people toward an environment of passion, loyalty, collaboration, communication and trust. Get the new WE WILL training video today and join us in this highly motivating exploration of what it takes to be high growth and winning: No Loser Talk, Lean In, We Will, and Push.