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Giving Feedback – Emotional Intelligence in Action

Giving feedback happens every day with our team and our peers. But do we give and use it effectively?

Runtime: 35 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Facilitator’s Guide
  • Workbook
Key Learning Points:
  • Setting and sharing an agreed upon agenda
  • Exploring and establishing facts
  • Making and testing hypotheses
  • Considering options and agreeing upon the next steps


Giving feedback happens every day with our team and our peers. But do we give and use it effectively?

Developing feedback skills through a more emotionally competent approach can make an enormous difference to management skills and abilities. Emotional intelligence is the basis for an effective approach.

To be emotionally intelligent at work consistently, is hard. But it’s not something that we’re either born with or not. Anyone can develop their behaviour to become more emotionally intelligent.

This program is a collaboration with the Hay Group and is based upon its Emotional Competence Inventory. It demonstrates a simple model for formal and informal feedback, and teaches an emotionally intelligent approach to communicating. Using this four-part model, a framework of emotional intelligence competencies and emotionally competent feedback skills are demonstrated. Terrific for managers and team leaders at all levels, this is an invaluable resource for any organization.

Topic areas:

  • Four part model for giving feedback
  • Framework of emotional intelligence competencies
  • Emotionally competent feedback
 Key Learning Points:
  • Setting and sharing an agreed upon agenda
  • Exploring and establishing facts
  • Making and testing hypotheses
  • Considering options and agreeing upon the next steps
 Who should use this?
  • Managers and team leaders at all levels
  • Team members
  • Coaches and mentors
  • Trainers and consultants