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Accountability That Works!

With accountability, you get better results, improved teamwork, and clarity. Without it, you get blame, finger-pointing, missed deadlines and low morale. This program reveals an approach to accountability that improves individual and organizational performance.

Runtime: 15 Minutes
  • DVD or USB
  • Leader’s Guide
  • Participant Workbook
  • PowerPoint Presentation
Key Learning Points:
  • Empower themselves to keep their agreements.
  • Hold others accountable for their agreements
  • Be accountable without being defensive.
  • Learn from mistakes, continually improving personally and professionally.


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What would your organization be like if no one ever asked, “Whose fault is this?” What if we could all let go of the ‘blame game’ and view accountability as a method for achieving increased personal and team effectiveness?

Most employees take on new projects with the best intentions, seeking only a successful result. But lack of clarity not lack of commitment often finds their goals unrealized. Accountability That Works! presents a simple process structure – before, during and after – common to all tasks. When handled properly, this structure will ensure the clarity and completion of any task.

The “before” phase:
RESPONSIBILITY – When an individual or team establishes a mindset of ownership for the task, taking complete responsibility that it will get done.

The “during” phase:
EMPOWERMENT – When the owner(s) does whatever is necessary to complete the task. This might include action steps; a time line; determining who and what are key resources; implementing creative problem solving; and determining how to complete the task without other tasks suffering.

The “after” phase:
ACCOUNTABILITY -When the responsible party(ies) owns the outcome of the task. This is when results, good or bad, are acknowledged (and the temptation to place blame on external factors or coworkers is overcome). It is when the owner(s) allows learning from the experience to take place.

Accountability That Works! teaches that accountability is much more than a paper trail. It is an ongoing opportunity to gain focus, accomplish more, streamline work processes, and create greater team effectiveness. It allows viewers to observe these processes at a manufacturing plant, software design firm, and medical facility, illustrating how to ensure that every task has a clearly defined owner and agreement.